Development Department

Tax deductible and non-deductible gifts

Building A Legacy for Life – different gift types

Non-Deductible vs. Tax Deductible Giving

Here’s what you should know:

National Right to Life actually has three different arms with three distinct missions.  Each of these separate entities are vital to our overall goal of advancing a Culture of Life in America, protecting unborn children and their mothers from abortion and ensuring the medically vulnerable and disabled aren’t denied life-saving medical treatment.  However, the rules and tax implications for donations are different for each organization.

National Right to Life Committee:  Our core mission of lobbying for and advancing pro-life laws in the states and at the federal level is advanced by the National Right to Life Committee, Inc., which is incorporated as a 501(c)4 organization.  As the Flagship of the Pro-Life movement, the Committee is the core umbrella organization that helps guide the entire pro-life movement and donations to the committee are the most needed and most vital to ensure we can protect the most defenseless members of our society.  However, because lobbying and advancing pro-life laws is central to the mission of the Committee, the IRS does not allow donations to the Committee to be tax-deductibleDonate to the Committee.

National Right to Life Educational Foundation: Our ultimate success hinges on restoring a Culture of Life in America — a goal that can only be achieved by touching the hearts and changing minds. The National Right to Life Educational Foundation, Inc. (and it’s sister organization, the National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund), which incorporated as a 501(c)3 organization, does this through materials and campaigns designed to educate Americans about the development of the unborn child and the impact of abortion on our society.  Because the Foundation focuses on these educational efforts, donations to the Educational Foundation ARE tax-deductible to the extent allowed by lawDonate to the Educational Foundation.

National Right to Life Victory Fund:  The only way to achieve legal protection from abortion for unborn children and their mothers is to have pro-life lawmakers willing to enact those laws.  The National Right to Life Victory Fund, established as an independent expenditure political action committee, is National Right to Life’s political arm.  The Victory Fund works to elect pro-life men and women to Congress and the White House — men and women dedicated to enacting policies and passing laws that will protect innocent human life.  Contributions to the Victory Fund are not tax-deductible and the Federal Election Commission requires disclosure of donors who give more than $200 in a calendar yearDonate to the Victory Fund.


For more information about donating to National Right to Life please call of email the Development Department.  202.626.8813 or